Motivation for this project Dit project gaat over de ontwikkeling van een E-module academisch lezen waarmee studenten het lezen van primaire literatuur (wetenschappelijke artikelen) leren. De modu...
Met ditsymposium wordt beoogd te inventariseren welke (al of niet zelf-ontwikkelde) E-learningtoepassingen in het AMC worden gebruikt ten behoeve van het onderwijs. De hoopen verwachting is dat doce...
The term e-learning covers a wide range of approaches and can be considered to include any learning process that involves the use of ITC technologies. In the simplest case, it may involve little mor...
In this chapter, examples of innovative approaches that use educational technology to support active learning in chemistry lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions are considered. The scope of th...
Learners who enter undergraduate science courses without having studied chemistry at second level often struggle to deal with the amount of new terminology, symbolism and concepts they are presented...
PeerWise is a free software application developed by a computer science lecturer from the University of Auckland. It allows learners to write their own multiple choice questions (with answers and ex...
Each Workbook contains summary of theoretical information and exercises designated to help students to develop their skills in organic chemistry learning. Thus, the student self-directed stu...
Many students now have mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and smart phones and, in some higher education institutions (HEIs), the facility to borrow tablets from the library has been introduced...
The term e-learning covers a wide range of approaches and can be considered to include any learning process that involves the use of ITC technologies. In the simplest case, it may involve little mor...
University of Amsterdam
Helena Nogueira University of Aveiro, Portugal Challenge and goal: AI is definitly in use by the students, but not always in the best way. Many issues can be brought on the subject, i...
Giacomo Giorgi Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia, Italy Challenge and goal Students are frustrated by the often outdated tools teachers exploit during l...