Docent Erwin van Vliet , UvA/FNWI Schaal onderwijs Grote groepen studenten Voorbeeld - videoclip Flipped class college. Deze video laat zien hoe flipped class methode in de collegezaal in zijn werk ...
Docent Erwin van Vliet , UvA/FNWI Schaal onderwijs Grote groepen studenten. Inhoud Psychobiologie. Patophysiologie van de zenuwstelsel. Beginsituatie en interventie Door de beperkte docentencapacite...
Docent Edgar Meij, UvA/FNWI (hij werkt nu ergens anders: ) Schaal onderwijs Kleine groepen studenten (max 20-30 studenten). Inhoud Informatiewetenschappen. Master Artificial...
Docent Shirly Berends-Montero Quesada, UvA/FNWI Schaal onderwijs Middelgrote en grote groepen studenten. Inhoud Master Forensic Science. Criminalistics. Chain of Evidence. Beginsituatie en interven...
Docent Arnoud Visser, UvA/FNWI Schaal onderwijs Middel grote groepen studenten. Inhoud Artificiële intelligentie. Beginsituatie en interventie Om de studenten te activeren en ondersteunen wilde ik h...
Name lecturer Joris Buis, MSc Scale small group of students Content Academic writing Turnitin ( Situation before the intervention First year bachelor students of the Institute of...
Name lecturer dr. Ivo Blom, VU University Amsterdam Scale small group of students Content Study trip organized in cooperation with the Royal Institute for Rome, ""History on Film in the city of R...
In this document you can find the format for syllabi of Forensic Science. It is a good practice for all teachers of this master. For what students can expect of the assessments, it is nice that t...
Name lecturer Marcel Vreeswijk, Jean Sebastièn Caux, Jan de Boer, Auke Piete Colijn, Erik van Heumen Scale Large, medium and small groups. Content Lectures in physics, bachelor programme. Situation...
Name lecturers Joëlle Kessels & Anne de Visser. Scale CARD is currently used for Oriëntatie Natuur- en Sterrenkunde, a course for which roughly 200 students are enrolled. The course is passed when ...
Lecturer: Sietze Norder Scale Suitable for all groups - also large groups of students. Content Lecture series ISLANDS (Institite Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS)) Situation before the intervention ...
Name lecturer André Nusselder student-assistant + Grassroots: Corneel den Hartogh Scale medium group (33 students) Content Innovation & Design Thinking Situation before the intervention Course con...
Name lecturer: André Heck Scale grote groep studenten Content Wiskunde voor niet wiskundigen (voor Psychobiologie en voor Informatica). Vakken: Wiskunde, in Bachelor Psychobiologie, Biologie en Bio...
Name lecturer: Emiel van Loon Scale grote groepen studenten Content Verschillende statiestiek vakken binnen de bachelor. Situation before the intervention Bij grote groepen is het te veel nakijk ...
Name lecturer: Raphael Poss Scale grote groepen studenten Content Informatica: Besturingssystemen Situation before the intervention Het nakijken op papier kost veel meer tijd (wel vijf keer meer...
Name lecturer: Maarten Marx Scale grote groepen studenten Content Bachelor Informatiekunde: Netwerkanalyse, Collectieve Intelligentie, Data Science Situation before the intervention Veel werk me...
Name lecturer Christian Schaffner, TA: Malvin Gattinger Scale 7 students Content Introduction to Modern Cryptography Situation before the intervention In previous years, I had taught the course in...
Course Collectieve intelligentie , BA Informatiekunde Lecturer Maarten Marx Contributor Guusje Smit, Project leader Surveillance on distance Situation before the intervention The formative exam and...
Course Numerical recipes Project, BA Computer Science Name lecturer André Heck Contributer Guusje Smit, Project leader Surveillance on distance Situation before the intervention The test exam and fi...
In this tutorial you learn how to join multiple video files into one, continuous file. What will you learn How to join multiple video files into one. What encoding settings you need to upload your ...
Name lecturer Leo Dorst Scale large group of students (400) Content / Course Linear Algebra for Artificial Intelligence and Informatics Situation before the intervention Not enough time/opportunit...
Name lecturer Erwin van Vliet Scale large group of students (> 200 students) Content Pathophysiology and Neuropharmacology, Bachelor Pschobiology Situation before the intervention Conceptual under...
Name lecturer Marthe Schut Scale large group of students (>250) Content Basic Mathematics in Psychobiology, Calculus (SOWISO) Situation before the intervention Shy students hesitated asking questi...
Name lecturer Kareljan Schoutens Scale small to medium group of students Content Quantumphysics 1; honours (BSc Physics and Astronomy) Situation before the intervention...
Name lecturer Chris Slootweg Scale large group of students Content Chemistry, Green Chemistry, a course in the Master programme. Intervention Flipped-class pedagogy in combination with team-based...
Motivation to start this project Many students who have finished a bachelor study on a university of applied sciences appreciate to apply for a master study in the field of Information Sciences. T...
Motivation for this project BRAVO = Biologie Research Absouluut door Vernieuwing en Oefening The students in the Life Sciences programmes need knowledge and skills in mathematics and statis...
Motivation for this project It is not an easy task and it is time consuming to design high quality exams and pedagogically sound exam questions. The exam questions need to correspond the learning...
Motivation for this project See for more about motivation of this project at the project website (in English) . The website is unfortunately not availabl...
Motivation for this project Traditional weblectures are used by students after the lecture was given in the classroom. They are a valuable addition to the teaching materials of one course but they ...
Motivation to start this project Active learning is very important in science education. In science education experiment is an important element in constructing understanding. What is a suitable ... Objectives of the SALIS project ‘SALiS– Student Active Learning in Science’ intends to overcome a centralized and teacher-centered paradigm in science educatio...
Motivation for this project The lecturers who are involved with ICT in teaching innovation projects are experts in their field but often do not have yet enough specific pedagogical knowledge or k...
Motivation for this project In regular university education programmes the summative digital assessments are not flexible yet. For safety reasons the digital exams are organized in special computer ...
Motivation for this project Service-onderwijs in complexe kennisdomeinen (wiskunde, statistiek) wordt vaak gekenmerkt door grootschaligheid en grote heterogeniteit. Dat zijn tegengestelde aspecten: ...
Motivation for this project (goals) Increasing the quality of education by increasing the quality of the educational outcomes due to using better techniques of learning assessme...
Motivation for this project A course like Quantumphysics can be highly abstract, especially for first-year students. To help them familiarize themselves with the world of the quantum a website wa...
In onderstaande video een uitleg waarom we het grassrootproject-2014 test and item analysis grading rubrics gestart zijn: Original author: Susan Voogd...
Motivation for this project The chalk and board is often used in science education because the slides can go too quickly when models and theories need to be explained and slowly constructed. Lec...
Samenvatting Met dit project wordt beoogd een professionaliseringstraject op te zetten en te evalueren voor docenten die onderwijs op afstand (willen) geven met behulp van ICT. Binnen dit pr...
Motivation for this project Voor wiskunde-intensieve vakken is er een digitale werkomgeving nodig die het toetsen én het toets-gestuurd leren faciliteert. UvA heeft universiteitsbreed een licentie e...
Motivation for this project De bruikbaarheid en effectiviteit van Learning Analytics (LA) bij lopend onderwijs is nog niet goed bekend. De FNWI voert hiervoor drie onderzoeken uit. De onderzoeken bo...
Motivation for this project In dit project gaan we: Verschillende experimenten uitvoeren in het FNWI onderwijs waarbij interactieve colleges volledig draadloos met tekentablets worden gegeven e...
Motivation for this project Anno 2014 there should be an alternative to digitalizing dozens of StudentID numbers by manually entering them into a database. CARD provides this digital solution. My ...
Motivation for this project VITAL - Visualisation Tools and Analytics to Monitor Online Language Learning & Teaching (2015-2017) Students involved in e-learning often have a limited knowle...
Motivation for this project In het vak Innovation and Design Thinking werken studenten in teams van 4 à 5 personen aan een real-life case die wordt ingebracht door een externe opdrachtgevers. Er i...
Motivation for this project There are more and more lecturers at the Faculty of Science who are interested in using knowledge clips in their teaching to activate learning. In large classes lecturers...
Motivation for this project IBIS (Implementation of a Business & Innovation module in Science Programs) . University students majoring in various disciplines are increasingly requesting the introdu...
Motivation for this project Het ontwikkelen van elementaire programmeerkennis bij studenten in het hoger onderwijs heeft geen tred gehouden met de stormachtige ontwikkeling van computertechnologie i...
Motivation for this project Activerend onderwijs stelt de student centraal en geeft de student controle over en inzicht in het eigen leerproces. Om succesvol te kunnen studeren is het van groot bela...
Motivation for this project In de bachelor van Psychobiologie en Biomedische Wetenschappen wordt de theorie en de praktijk van de neurofysiologie in stappen bij meerdere vakken behandeld. Ze bouwen ...
Motivation for this project Binnen het vak Innovation & design thinking een aantal online leeractiviteiten ontwikkelen in Feedbackfruits. Een zwaartepunt in het vak is het verwerken van theorie ove...
Motivation for this project Dit project gaat over de ontwikkeling van een E-module academisch lezen waarmee studenten het lezen van primaire literatuur (wetenschappelijke artikelen) leren. De modu...
Motivation for this project In het UvA instellingsplan 2015-2020 staan de thema's academische vorming en research-intensief onderwijs centraal. Alle FNWI-opleidingen besteden uitgebreid aandacht ...
Motivation for this project Om als docent beter zicht te kunnen houden op het proces van de peer review, kan gebruikt gemaakt worden van diverse toepassingen die binnen de Universiteit van Amsterdam...
Motivation for this project De UvA stapt op 1 september 2018 over van Blackboard naar Canvas. De overstap is een omvangrijke operatie die alle vakken en alle docenten raakt. Er loopt een UvA-breed p...
Motivation for this project Verschillende biomedische processen kunnen beschreven worden met wiskundige modellen. Deze modellen zijn echter niet direct inzichtelijk. Weefselonderhoud door stamcel...
Motivation for this project Bij een aantal vakken bij de FNWI wordt met Jupyter Nbgrader gewerkt, een methode om python opdrachten (deels) automatisch na te kijken. Dit scheelt veel nakijktijd...
Motivation for this project Een video-opname in combinatie met peer observatie door een collega docent en een studentevaluatie biedt aan een docent die het BKO traject volgt de informatie om op het ...
Motivation for this project Laboratory classes are an essential component of chemistry curricula. However, the effectiveness of laboratory classes is often not achieved to t...
Motivation for this project Vanuit het onderwijs is er behoefte naar vakoverstijgende begeleiding, feedback en reflectie mogelijkheden. Tegelijkertijd is er een structurele wens om de overstap na...
Motivation for this project Bij het vak Dynamics in Business and IT is in 2012 een Wiki ( opgezet om het research werk van studenten te delen met studenten van de erop vol...
Project Title: DT.UNI.-Design Thinking Approach for an Interdisciplinary University The main aim of the project is development of innovation in higher education institutions. The overall obj...
Motivation for this project At the UvA WebEx is used already for several years for videomeetings and videoconferencing in education for distance learning modules and in research by different proj...
STEM Continuous Professional Development at European Universities - STEM-CPD@EUni Motivation for this project Fast development of science and technology knowledge is strongly conn...
Motivation for this project Docenten vragen studenten om zich voor te bereiden op colleges maar dit werkt niet altijd goed. Studenten lezen bijvoorbeeld de studiestof niet of erg oppervlakkig....
Motivation for this project Een activerend leerproces zonder het geven en ontvangen van feedback is ondenkbaar. Bij grote groepen wordt dit te arbeidsintensief voor de docent. Een efficiënte o...
P artnership for L e a rning and T each in g in U niversity M athematics Motivation for this project PLATINUM project will contribute to a culture change towards inquiry based mathematic...
Motivation for this project Bij de FNWI wordt bij steeds meer vakken het tentamen digitaal afgenomen. Hiervoor zijn goede voorzieningen én op maat ondersteuning nodig. Op dit mom...
STEAM INC. (STEAM Innovation in Curiculum) STEAM thinking is a process which promotes collaboration between the Arts, Science, Technology, Engineering a...
Workshop Stemmen tijdens college Vragen stellen en beantwoorden is een cruciaal element in het opbouwen van kennis. Met behulp van voting tools, bijvoorbeeld de stemkastjes kun je bereiken dat alle ...
This module is meant for the moderators in online distance courses. The module will be organized several times a year. It takes about 6 hours in the period of two weeks to finish it. The Learning ou...
Deze workshop gaat in op methodes waardoor studenten actief met de stof aan de slag gaan. De vragen die centraal staan zijn: “Welke leeractiviteiten zijn geschikt om denk- en leerprocessen te bevord...
Doelgroep Voor iedereen die betrokken is bij wiskunde onderwijs in de eerste bachelorjaren Download flyer van de bijeenkomst Aanmelden - zie hieronder (nodig ivm. consumptie en ruimte) De thema is ...
Demonstration of ""Procwise"", online exams and discussion about the new features. The meeting takes place about one hour. See more information in the procwise flyer.pdf . Procwise website ...
Target group Lecturers, education coordinators and directors Surveillance on distance of digital assessments creates a safe environment, which allows students to take the exam regardless of locatio...
Het onderwerp van deze themabijeenkomst is: Taal Doelgroep Iedereen die zich betrokken voelt bij het onderwerp taalbeheersing Nederlands bij eerstejaars studenten, bijvoorbeeld docenten, opleiding...
Bij de Science faculteit van de UvA en bij de TU Delft hebben recent pilots plaats gevonden met proctoring. In deze bijeenkomst worden de ervaringen gepresenteerd en wordt een demonstratie van proct...
Met ditsymposium wordt beoogd te inventariseren welke (al of niet zelf-ontwikkelde) E-learningtoepassingen in het AMC worden gebruikt ten behoeve van het onderwijs. De hoopen verwachting is dat doce...
Dit is de startbijeenkomst van het Grassrootsprogramma ""De kracht van krijtloos"" waar ca. 10 docenten van natuurkunde, wiskunde en scheikunde in plaats van met krijt en board met een tekentablet c...
Doelgroep Opleidingsdirecteuren, docenten en iedereen die activerend leren interessant en belangrijk vindt. Aanmelden - verplicht ivm. consumptie en ruimtetoegang Flipping the Lectures is de eers...
How can education technology be used in large groups of students to activate learning process? Which teaching method can stimulate critical thinking in large groups of students and can help students...
Doelgroep : Opleidingsdirecteuren, docenten en iedereen die open online onderwijs en activerend leren interessant en belangrijk vindt Aanmelding: afgerond Open Online Onderwijs is de derde themat...
From 23-27 November Prof. Eric Mazur (Harvard University) visits several Dutch Universities for a ‘Tour de Mazur’ . His lecture Assessment – The Silent Killer of Learning given at the Universityo...
Doelgroep : docenten van exacte vakken of vakken waar wiskunde kennis en vaardigheden van belang zijn en iedereen die digitaal leren, oefenen en toetsen een interessant onderwerp vindt. Organisatie:...
Doelgroep: opleidings- en onderzoeksdirecteuren, facultaire management, docenten, onderzoekers, studenten Organisatie: College of Science, Graduate Schools, Center for Entrepreneurship en Techno...
Ecophon workshop 24-28 November - Helsingborg (Sweden) The intention of this workshop is to give training in psychology, memory, learning, noise and acoustics. Day 1 – Tuesday Nov 25 th Basics of...
Interview with Astrid van Wieringen 26th March 2015 - Moderator: Florian Pausch Questions: 1. Astrid as a researcher a. What is your scientific background? b. Which residences were the mosti...
Doelgroep Opleidingsdirecteuren, docenten en iedereen die activerend leren interessant en belangrijk vindt. Digitaal toetsen is de tweede van de vier thematische bijeenkomsten over blended learning...
Interview with Guido Lichtert 6th May 2015 - Moderators: Tobias Busch & Cristina Palmero Topic : Adult and Child interaction, Early intervention and Home-based guidance in the context of Hearing Imp...
Winter school 11-14 February - Thessaloniki (Greece) - University of Macedonia (UOM) The intention of this winter school is to give an annual network-wide training Day 1 – Wednesday February 11 th ...
Research Presentations 24th June 2015 - Moderators: Benson Hsu & Katharina Vogt Tobias Busch A big sample of CI data logs has been collected by Cochlear in cooperation with clinics around the world....
Research Presentations 21th October 2015 - Moderators: Yasmeen Hamza & Anouk Sangen Benson Hsu - Measuring reaction time The dual-task design used in my current listening effort research was inspir...
Research Presentations 9th December 2015 - Moderators: Douglas McCutcheon & Michaela Socher Cristina Palmero - Example of automatic parent-child interactionanalysis There has been a significant exp...
Closed Project Partners Meeting ( participants ) Date: 4 and 5 November 2015 Location: University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Science Park 904 Programme Wednesday, November 4 Welcome by Uv...
Click on the date of the meeting to find more information or See also...
Doelgroep : studenten, docenten, opleidings- en onderwijsdirecteuren, onderwijsondersteuners Datum en tijd: 15 december 2015 , 15.30-17.00 uur Locatie: Science park, zaal C1.112 Programma 15...
Doelgroep: docenten en anderen die geintereseerd zijn in het gebruik van tekentablets voor het geven van hoor- en werkcollege Locatie: Science Park, Nikhef, Spectrum Datum en tijd: 11 december, ...
Startdatum Proeftuin : dinsdag 23 februari 2016 Einddatum Proeftuin: maandag 29 februari 2016 Tijdstip Proeftuin: 13:00-18:00 behalve op dinsdag, donderdag en vrijdag al vanaf 12 uur. Locatie: ...
Content: Online education (MOOCs) Target group: programme directors, lecturers and all who are interested in online study programmes Organisation: Informatics Instutute and ICTO-FNWI Recording: ...
IBIS closed transnational project meeting Location : Amsterdam Science Park 904, room B1.49c Time: 10.30 - 17.30 Programme 1. Formative & Summative Evaluation Creating and using Rubrics (Peter v...
Lecturers at the Faculty of Science often use video in their courses. Many use video as additional teaching material. Some lecturers ""flip their lectures"", letting their students to prepare before...
Doelgroep: Opleidingsdirecteuren, docenten, studenten en iedereen die learning analytics interessant vindt Locatie: Universiteit van Amsterdam, FNWI, Science Park, zaal C0.110 Link naar de videore...
Target group lecturers who teach in a course that has a pen and paper exam and who consider to design a digital assessment participants of University Teaching Qualification program (BKO) lecturers...
Doelgroep: opleidingsdirecteuren en opleidingscoördinatoren Tijd en locatie: donderdag 16 juni van 15-17, Locatie Science Park 904, zaal C4.174 Speciaal voor onderwijsdirecteuren en onderwijscoörd...
Doelgroep: docenten bij de FNWI die hun college op het bord geven Datum en tijd: 6 juli 12-13 uur op het Science park (zaal komt later) Doel: kennismaken met de mogelijkheden van krijtloos colle...
Komende maand kunnen docenten een screentest opnemen in de FNWI Videostudio. Iedereen is welkom om zo een eerste stap te zetten in het maken van onderwijsvideo's. De studiodeur (lokaal A1.30) staat ...
Wiskunde is bij vele opleidingen belangrijk, al kan de nadruk per opleiding anders liggen. Bij het ene vak kan dat statistiek zijn, bij het andere modelleren of lineaire algebra maar het is altijd n...
Komende maand kunnen docenten weer een screentest opnemen in de FNWI Videostudio! Iedereen is welkom om zo een eerste stap te zetten in het maken van onderwijsvideo's. De studiodeur (lokaal A1.30) s...
How can education technology be used in large groups of students to activate learning process in Blended learning? Which teaching method can stimulate critical thinking in large groups of students a...
How can education technology be used to activate students for learning? Which teaching methods can stimulate critical thinking in large groups of students and can help each individual student to rea...
Workshop: Mick Healey Date: April 16 Time: 13.30 - 16.30 Download Information Fyer Download handout This interactive workshop will explore how we might best shift from a predom...
How can education technology be used to activate students for learning? Which teaching methods can stimulate critical thinking in large groups of students and can help each individual student to rea...
This is the workshop page from last BKO. Please go for the assignemnt for the group BKO in December 2018 to: /event/992/ How can education technology be used to activate students for learning? Whi...
Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Centre Themabijeenkomst Activerend blended onderwijs met feedback tools Datum: 11-02-2020 Tijd: 15-17 uur Locatie: Science Park, A1.28 De themabijeenkoms...
Tijd: Bijeenkomst 1: maandag 20 mei 2019: 14.00-17.00 Bijeenkomst 2: vrijdag 24 mei 2019: 14.00-17.00 Locatie: Science Park 904, Amsterdam Zaal A1.10 Aanmelding: link formulier Programma: downloa...
How can education technology be used to activate students for learning? Which teaching methods can stimulate critical thinking in large groups of students and can help each individual student to rea...
Location: Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Time: 24-25 April 2019 Programme: Download programme 20 members of the DT.Uni project from 8 universities in 8 countries joined on...
Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Centre Education Thematic Meeting New Approaches in Mathematics Teaching in Higher Education Date: December 6, 14.00-17.00 Location: Science Park 904, room...
Join the UvA Innovation Workshop and win a trip to Poland! Date: Friday 14 February 2020, 13.00-17.00 Location: Science Park, A1.04 Application: form Complex problems require different and creati...
Program SOWISO yearly meeting 15.00 Opening and agreement agenda 15.05 – 15.30 Max Cohen (SOWISO): Introduction SOWISO, roadmap new developments 15.30 – 15.45 Andre Heck (Faculty of Science): SOWIS...
How can education technology be used to activate students for learning? Which teaching methods can stimulate critical thinking in large groups of students and can help each individual student to rea...
Dit is de startbijeenkomst van het Grassrootsprogramma "De kracht van krijtloos" waar ca. 10 docenten van natuurkunde, wiskunde en scheikunde in plaats van met krijt en board met een tekentablet col...
Startdatum Proeftuin : dinsdag 23 februari 2016 Einddatum Proeftuin: maandag 29 februari 2016 Tijdstip Proeftuin: 13:00-18:00 behalve op dinsdag, donderdag en vrijdag al vanaf 12 uur. Locatie: ...
STEM-CPD is continuous professional development of lecturers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). In the project STEM-CPD@EUni ( ) t...
In the Netherlands all university lecturers need to get a University teaching certificate about teaching and learning in higher education, in Dutch BKO (Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs). To get a ce...
Afstand onderwijs en zelfstandig leren is een van de pijlers van het Meerjarenplan ICT en onderwijsinnovatie van de FNWI 2013-2015. Original author: Natasa Brouwer
Toetsen en toetsgestuurd leren is een van de pijlers van het Meerjarenplan ICT en onderwijsinnovatie van de FNWI 2013-2015. Original author: Natasa Brouwer
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge model or TPACK model (Figure), developed by Mishra and Koehler in 2006, explains the relationship between the different types of knowledge needed to teach...
About Traditional lectures consist predominantly of the transmission of information to a generally passive student audience. This is achieved predominantly using verbal forms of communication supp...
There are many different reasons why to use voting in the classroom. How you use the voting depends on the goal which you have set. See for example this video by Russell James III (Universit...
Lecturnity is a tool for screen recordings, recording PowerPoint, creating training videos, presenting products and producing interactive presentations.
SOWISO - E-learning for mathematics and other exact sciences The company SOWISO develops e-learning technology and e-learning courses for mathematics and related exact sciences. ...
Traditional ‘chalk and talk’ lectures can undoubtedly provide an efficient mechanism for transferring important information to students. However, thinking time and effort are required to interpret a...
Although questioning is usually associated with assessment it can also be very effective at stimulating learning, and is probably the simplest and most flexible approach to increasing student input ...
Studio course is an interactive teaching method used in higher science education. In this education model different teaching methods: lectures, tutorials and practical sessions are integrated. ...
EChemTest is a chemistry test item databank funded by the European Commission and developed by the ECTN Association. Chemistry tests in three different levels can be used for the testing and benchm...
QuestionMark Perception is a digital testing tool. See more: UK site QuestionMark Perception (QMP) (in English) Nederlandse site QMP (in Dutch) Information for University of A...
In the Model of Analysis of Teaching and Learning (van Gelder, 1070) teaching is considered a purposeful activity in which one aims to achieve certain objectives. Learning objectives should be ...
The skills in the cognitive domain are divided by Bloom into six categories called Bloom's Taxonomy. Bloom's Taxonomy presupposes that the categories are organized in a structure of increasing compl...
Ephorus is a plagiarism tool. Cited from the Ephorus site : Ephorus identifies texts which include rearranged words, sentences or paragraphs. Even texts that have bee...
The documents of students such as essays, reports of thesis can be analysed on plagiarism using different digital tools (i.e. Ephorus, TurnitIn) In Dutch Juridische ...
Shakespeak is a cloud voting tool. Zie Original author: Natasa Brouwer
OIEAR methodology Effective teaching is a balanced system in which all components support each other (Biggs, 2003). It can be compared to an eco system where the components are also aligned to ...
Weblectures or videolectures are on the video recorded lectures given in the classroom or lectures recorded in a studio. Videolectures are meant for education an can be used for different goals in t...
Tentamenlade is a platform for higher education lecturers to collect, reuse and share exam questions. These can be open questions or other types of questions e.g. multiple choice. ...
The term e-learning covers a wide range of approaches and can be considered to include any learning process that involves the use of ITC technologies. In the simplest case, it may involve little mor...
The Eurolecturer award recognises those whose teaching of chemistry or chemical engineering at the tertiary level incorporates appropriate discipline specific pedagogy within a European dimen...
See tis and more information at: /index.html : SURFconext infrastructure for online collaboration gives users access to services provided ...
The MATH taxonomy by Smith, et. al. (1996) defines the difficulty level of mathematics assignments. This taxonomy has three levels: A (Reproduction); B (Connection) and C (Reasoning). These levels a...
Lecturing dates back to mediaeval times and the founding of Europe’s earliest universities. Initially, lectures amounted to little more than a ‘lecturer’ standing at the front and reading a book to...
Student centred teaching approach includes different teaching methods which are based on constructivist learning theory and result in active learning by students. Teachers support students to constr...
Each Workbook contains summary of theoretical information and exercises designated to help students to develop their skills in organic chemistry learning. Thus, the student self-directed s...
It is likely to be useful and possibly essential for any person working in the areas of science or engineering to be able to discuss their field, and any associated controversies, so that they can b...
The time-honoured arrangement for laboratory work in both school and higher education is based on a “cook-book” approach, with students slavishly following a written set of instructions. However thi...
A student portfolio is collected as an archive to assess all the work done by students and to keep a constant record. In general it represents a student work collection that exhibits student’s activ...
The main part of self-directed studies is a group research project defended in the form of PowerPoint presentation. Main goals of the research project are: to deepen students’ knowle...
Wikipedia: Web conferencing may be used as an umbrella term for various types of online collaborative services including web seminars ("webinars"), we...
The limitations of the traditional unseen examination as an assessment method are now well appreciated. In particular such assessments often fail to validate several important learning outcomes. Ora...
It is well known that the traditional didactic lecture places students in a very passive role. Often they were only required to listen to what the lecturer was saying and copy down anything that was...
In this method, students, working in groups undertake a task involving a series of activities. The outcomes for the various activities are interrelated and the group must determine their interdepend...
SoLAR, the international community for research in this field, defines learning analytics as the ‘measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purpo...
Peer-assessment is an approach to formative assessment which can be described generally as a process whereby students evaluate, or are evaluated by, their peers. Peer-assessment can be employed unde...
Videoconferencing is the conduct of a videoconference (also known as a video conference or videoteleconference ) by a set of telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations ...
Analogies provide lecturers with a tool that uses examples from real life and everyday experiences to help students understand scientific concepts and phenomena that are often, neither observable, n...
When choosing a form of assessment, it's important to align the choice with the learning outcomes ( learning objectives ) and teaching methods (Biggs & Tang, 2011), see figure 1. Figure 1: ...
The quality of assessment organization can be defined as the quality of the assessment as a result of logistic organization. The examiner is responsible for the quality of the assessment and guar...
An examiner, appointed by the Examinations Board, is responsible for the quality of the course ( condition 21 Kader Toetsbeleid UvA ). There is a systematic evaluation of the assessment program on b...
It is advised to use the table of specification to ensure that the assessment(s) will meet the requirements for validity (i.e. do you assess at the required difficulty level and are the questions we...
In the construction process of a (written or digital) assessment examiners use a form of peer review or other third-party verification in order to obtain a judgment on validity and reliability (cond...
Calibrating session How to increase a consistent scoring using answer models? How to score reliable using grading forms? More information about this topic will follow soon. Interpret...
After the take it is adviced to run a test item analysis to verify whether all items or questions in the assessment measure what is intended to measure. For open question assessments and assessm...
Turnitin is a cloud tool which can be used as: plagiarism control feedback and grading ...
There is an answer model for each assessment (condition 7 Kader toetsbeleid UvA). Students have access to the answer model of multiple choice and open ended question assessments after the take. ...
In the construction process of multiple choice (MC) and open questions, you can use a standard format for written MC and open assessments or digital MC assessments to fill in questions. For the...
Starfish it is a knowledge network for and by educators. It is based on TPACK model. Starfish is open source and open content (based on creative commons licence). Starfish has an ambition to share t...
CARD ( Course Attendance Registration: Digitalized ) is an application for digital registration of attendance using student cards or personal bar codes. CARD connects an RFID-card reader with a dat...
RFID means radio-frequency identification. This technology is used to detect and record objects. Read more on Wikipedia: Origin...
To show the quality of the assessment, an examiner evaluates (together with a peer reviewer): the assessment organization, the validity of the assessment, the reliability of the a...
In Higher Education and in particular in the Netherlands Grassroots are small-scale, accessible ICT projects, from which the results immediately can be implemented in education. Usually they are mea...
Study diary provides a way to encourage students to identify developing deficiencies in their learning. It helps students to develop their metacognitive skills. Students are asked to keep a diar...
Diversity in teaching moves beyond the principle of equal opportunity which ensures that no student should be disadvantaged by curriculum content or teaching and assessment methods. It capitalises...
This is the process by which teaching and assessment is judged to be fit for purpose and of a satisfactory standard comparable to other institutions. Institutions normally have well defined quality ...
After a (re)take a peer reviewer can be asked by the examiner to write a teacher declaration. In a teacher declaration the peer reviewer informs: 1. whether the procedure and information about th...
In Handleiding toetsinformatie in studiehandleiding you can find a checklist (in Dutch) and information about what information is needed in a course catalogue to meet the quality criteria for tran...
AnyMeeting is a cloud based webinar / videocoferencing tool: Wkipedia: Features include 6-way video conferencing, screen shari...
Padlet is a digital bulletin board. Online collaboration. Original author: Natasa Brouwer...
This page is under construction. A video and more information will follow soon. What is a grading form? Voorbeeld Grading form What is a grading rubric? How to construct a grading ...
Proctoring is used in digital assessment in distance learning to supervise students taking an assessment. There are different methods known in proctoring, most of them include a video recording. A...
Knowledge clip is a short video or animation in which one single concept is explained. The length of a (typical) knowledge clip is between 1 and (max) 10 minutes. Knowledge clips can be used in e...
Videolijn is een subsidieregeling bij de UvA voor docenten die met de video hun onderwijs willen verniuwen. De format van Videolijn lijkt op grassroots. Original author: Natasa Brouwer
BKO workshop is a workshop that is organized for the lecturers who are preparing for the University teaching certificate (in Dutch BKO = Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs). Original author: Natasa Brou...
Krijtloos college is didactiesch gezien en krijt en bord college maar zonder krijt en bord. De uitleg wordt opgeschreven op een tekentablet met een digitale pen. Original author: Natasa Brouwer
Een toetscyclus beschrijft toetsen vanuit een procesmatig standpunt. Bij digitaal toetsen veranderen sommige van de stappen. Bij meer grootschalig digitaal toetsen zijn er stappen waar altijd meer m...
With SURFfilesender, users can send large files such as research data safely. SURFfilesender is also suitable for smaller files, such as reports. The files are stored in the Netherlands. Encryption ...
Definition : Team-Based Learning is an evidence based collaborative learning teaching strategy designed around units of instruction, known as “modules,” that are taught in a three-step cycle: prepar...
Wacom Bamboo Slate - writing on paper and sharing online. Original author: Natasa Brouwer...
Online collaboration tool Chat, audio, virtual whiteboards, math features. Original author: Natasa Brouwer...
SURFdrive is een persoonlijke cloudopslagdienst voor het Nederlandse onderwijs en onderzoek, waarmee studenten en medewerkers gemakkelijk bestanden kunnen opslaan, synchroniseren en delen. Dit gebeu...
There are many cloud voting systems available which can be used in the classroom where wifi is available. The students can use smartphones, tablets or laptops which have access online. UvA has a lic...
Network tool: Mighty Network is a tool to bring your content, courses, subscriptions, and people together. Original author: Natasa Brouwer...
E-Learning Cookbook. TPACK in Professional Development in Higher Education Brouwer, N., Dekker, P., & van der Pol, J. (2013). E-learning cookbook. tpack in professional development in hi...
In this chapter, examples of innovative approaches that use educational technology to support active learning in chemistry lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions are considered. The scope of th...
Easy readable, comparable and compatible higher education degrees As a part of the work in the EU project "Tuning Educational Structures in Europe" (Bologna process) the European Chemistry Themat...
In this method, students, working in groups undertake a task involving a series of activities. The outcomes for the various activities are interrelated and the group must determine their interdepend...
Expertise in Teaching Chemistry in Higher Education database is started by the EC2E2N European project (funded by the European Commission) of the ECTN (European Chemistry Thema...
Starfish idea and design: Natasa Brouwer and Sander Latour Technology: Starfish is build in Python, using web framework Django. Software development Starfish-beta: 2012-2013 Sand...
It is well known that the traditional didactic lecture places students in a very passive role. Often they were only required to listen to what the lecturer was saying and copy down anything that was...
H5P can be used to make videos or presentations interactive. Open source and free to use. "An HTML5 based interactive video content type allowing users to add multiple choice an...
The limitations of the traditional unseen examination as an assessment method are now well appreciated. In particular such assessments often fail to validate several important learning outcomes. Ora...
Virtual Laboratory Work - Caustification of Soda Solution Virtual laboratory work features Laboratory works on Chemical Engineering require work fulfillment for a long period...
Each Workbook contains summary of theoretical information and exercises designated to help students to develop their skills in organic chemistry learning. Thus, the student self-directed stu...
The main part of self-directed studies is a group research project defended in the form of PowerPoint presentation. Main goals of the research project are: to deepen students’ knowle...
The Blooms Taxonomy Wheel with added iPad Apps chosen to help teachers achieve better learning outcomes. Original author: Natasa Brouwer...
A student portfolio is collected as an archive to assess all the work done by students and to keep a constant record. In general it represents a student work collection that exhibits student’s activ...
The time-honoured arrangement for laboratory work in both school and higher education is based on a “cook-book” approach, with students slavishly following a written set of instructions. However thi...
It is likely to be useful and possibly essential for any person working in the areas of science or engineering to be able to discuss their field, and any associated controversies, so that they can b...
Although practical work continues to be considered an essential part of any science or engineering degree opportunities for experimentation, in many courses, have decreased in recent years, due to e...
Lecturing dates back to mediaeval times and the founding of Europe’s earliest universities. Initially, lectures amounted to little more than a ‘lecturer’ standing at the front and reading a book to...
The term e-learning covers a wide range of approaches and can be considered to include any learning process that involves the use of ITC technologies. In the simplest case, it may involve little mor...
Think-Pair-Share is a co-operative teaching strategy. After the lecturer has asked a question, this strategy includes three components: time for thinking, time for sharing with...
Although questioning is usually associated with assessment it can also be very effective at stimulating learning, and is probably the simplest and most flexible approach to increasing student input ...
Traditional ‘chalk and talk’ lectures can undoubtedly provide an efficient mechanism for transferring important information to students. However, thinking time and effort are required to interpret a...
If, as is often claimed, a picture is worth a thousand words, how many words might an attention grabbing mid-lecture demonstration be worth? Certainly lecture demonstrations are popular both with st...
Peer instruction is an activating teaching method. This method can be used to detect understanding of students during learning process and correct misconceptions. This method is based on the older "...
Peer-assessment is an approach to formative assessment which can be described generally as a process whereby students evaluate, or are evaluated by, their peers. Peer-assessment can be employed unde...
WebEx is a web videoconferencing tool. It combines file and presentation sharing with voice, HD video and new Meeting Spaces. The meetings can be recorded. More:
Analogies provide lecturers with a tool that uses examples from real life and everyday experiences to help students understand scientific concepts and phenomena that are often, neither observable, n...
Community-based learning (also referred to as ‘service learning’ and ‘community-engaged learning’) is a form of experiential education with a civic underpinning. In practice, what this means is that...
The Labster platform is a 3D virtual learning environment based on a Virtual Lab. Labster includes molecular 3D animations, quiz questions and background theory that engages students in an immersive...
The context-based approach focuses on the application of science as a means of enhancing scientific understanding of students’ real-worlds while developing students’ capacities to function as resp...
Workplace Learning can have a variety of meanings and often means different things to different people. Put simply it means learning which takes place in an employment context rather than a college...
Wat is een wiki? Een wiki kan omschreven worden als een verzameling webdocumenten die onderling verbonden met elkaar zijn. Gebruikers kunnen zelf materiaal toevoegen, aanpassen en verwijderen. ...
Summative assessment remains an essential integral part of all formal education. Unfortunately many students over estimate their learning and understanding of material being taught and become aware ...
Diversity in teaching moves beyond the principle of equal opportunity which ensures that no student should be disadvantaged by curriculum content or teaching and assessment methods. It capitalises o...
Past examination papers are often referred to as ‘the hidden curriculum’ because, regardless of what is being taught, students see the content of these papers as defining what they need to know to ...
The EC2E2N working group 'Towards Excellence in School and University Teaching' is building a collection (database) of teaching methods and pedagogical issues relevant for university chemistry teach...
Chemistry is a practical disciple with roots in the experiments of mediaeval alchemists rather than the philosophy of the ancient Greeks. It is therefore not surprising that laboratory work has cont...
Although the benefits of active learning in higher education are now widely accepted, many students, having been spoon-fed throughout their secondary education, seem reluctant to adapt to the change...
Posters can be used to address a variety of learning and teaching objectives including the development of motivation, content knowledge and generic and professional skills. A poster is a formal and...
This is the process by which teaching and assessment is judged to be fit for purpose and of a satisfactory standard comparable to other institutions. Institutions normally have well defined quality ...
About Traditional lectures consist predominantly of the transmission of information to a generally passive student audience. This is achieved predominantly using verbal forms of communication supp...
We invested the past years in research & applications of strength based coaching methods. Seeing students as individuals with unique possibilities & strengths, helps us to coach them towards confide...
An online classroom is essentially a virtual classroom which enables the delivery of synchronous events online. They are used to enable students studying at a distance (using a laptop or tablet, or ...
POGIL (Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning, ) is a teaching method that develops student process skills at the same time as using guided inquiry to build discipline kn...
Short research projects for the bachelor and master students in chemistry at the University of Liège (Belgium). 1. 3rd year bachelor students (coordinator: Dr. N. Willet) Aim of the activity:...
Learners who enter undergraduate science courses without having studied chemistry at second level often struggle to deal with the amount of new terminology, symbolism and concepts they are presented...
PeerWise is a free software application developed by a computer science lecturer from the University of Auckland. It allows learners to write their own multiple choice questions (with answers and ex...
The practice of inquiry requires the inquirer to pose questions, search for answers, probe counterintuitive phenomena and act inquisitively; in scientific inquiry, the student is involved in thinkin...
All chemistry teachers at second or third level use tests in their teaching. There are two broad uses for tests: Formative – assessment for learning (feedback on student learning) (see http:/...
Oral examinations also referred to as viva voce, have been used by universities to evaluate students’ learning for centuries. The exam takes the form of a ‘conversation between master and pupil’. Ho...
Many students now have mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and smart phones and, in some higher education institutions (HEIs), the facility to borrow tablets from the library has been introduced...
This is a term used, predominantly in the UK, to describe an undergraduate degree course where a student spends a period of their degree working in industry, commerce or for a governmental body as p...
Work-based learning (often abbreviated to WBL) is a term used to describe a relationship between learning and work. Work-Based Learning can be interpreted in many ways and thus exactly what it means...
Zie op: Scorion ondersteunt professionals en studenten bij de persoonlijke professionele ontwikkeling op basis van competenties. Zie Scorion Talent. Original author: ...
With the VFR system learners select video fragments of and reflect on them. At a convenient time teachers view these fragments and provide concrete, qualitative feedback. This system is developed fo...
Cookbook Education Spaces Developed by TU Delft. February 2017 "The Cookbook provid...
To register attedance of students in the classes the Faculty of Science lecturers can use DataNose Application Register Attendance and an Omnikey scanner. To register students scan their student's...
Academic Writing Assistant / Schrijfhulp Academisch Nederlands supports writing process: - creates awareness about possible error patterns - draws your attention to characteristics of your te...
Academic Help Write Better Guides, Samples, Tools, Services. Free to use. No identification who is the owner of the site. Terrms and conditions: https://academic...
De apps met een LTI Original author: Natasa Brouwer
Platform for teaching and learning Calculus. Original author: Natasa Brouwer Software for collecting, organizing, analyzing, visualizing data. Original author: Natasa Brouwer The internet's source of freely-usable images. Powered by creators everywhere. Original author: Natasa Brouwer...
TestVision is a digital asessment tool used by the the UvA. It is general tool, suitable for most courses and examination. Login for lecturers and developers:
Comproved is een tool voor comparatief beoordelen: Op dit momnet is er nog geen licentie voor bij de FNWI. Original author: Natasa Brouwer...
SOWISO is a mathematics assessment platform: SOWISO is a learning and assessment digital platform SOWISO is suitable for test based learning because step by step feedback can be delivered ...
The ECTN Working group Lecturing Qualifications and Innovative Teaching Methods is established in the ECTN network to: improve teaching practice in chemistry laboratory classes in higher educa...
Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. OBS: Wikipedia: Blog usage: S.KLinken...
We describe here how the users, lecturers or other people who are involved in Higher Education can collaborate on developing CPD User cases and share them on Starfish. Starfish is a knowledge sharin...
This handbook is meant for all of those who have an ambition to promote continuous professional development (CPD) in teaching and learning in higher education. It gives practical advice on how to im...
University of Amsterdam
Alicja Kluczyk
Matti Niemelä, Johanna Kärkkäinen University of Oulu / Faculty of Technology / Chemistry degree programme Challenge and goal Assessment is a crucial part of both traditional and online e...
Stefania Grecea, Bob Pirok, Lotte Schreuders, Jocelyne Vreede, Natasa Brouwer Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Challenge and goal Students enrolled in spec...
David Titovšek, Črtomir Podlipnik, Krištof Kranjc University of Ljubljana (UL)/Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology (FKKT)/Chemistry and Biochemistry Bachelor’s and Master’s programme, Slo...
Iwona Maciejowska, Michał Woźniakiewicz, Bartosz Trzewik, Katarzyna Zięba, Aleksandra Lis Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland Challenge and goal The investigation and discussion on ...
Martino Di Serio, Alessio Petrone, Vincenzo Russo, Oreste Tarallo, Italo Testa University of Naples Federico II, Italy Challenge and goal It is a common experience that BSc freshmen can ...
Lotte Schreuders, Bob Pirok, Stefania Grecea, Jocelyne Vreede, Natasa Brouwer University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Challenge and goal In today’s dynamic society, teaching in higher e...
Jocelyne Vreede, Stefania Grecea, Lotte Schreuders, Bob Pirok, Natasa Brouwer Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Challenge and goal Today's fast-changing wor...
Johanna Kärkkäinen, Katja Lappalainen, Matti Niemelä Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu, Finland Challenge and goal Students, attending chemistry laboratory courses have differ...
Franc Perdih, Krištof Kranjc* University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Večna pot 113, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; * e-mail: ...
Martino Di Serio, Alessio Petrone, Vincenzo Russo, Oreste Tarallo, Italo Testa University of Naples Federico II, Italy Challenge and goal Heterogeneous background in BSc fre...
Martino Di Serio, Alessio Petrone, Vincenzo Russo, Oreste Tarallo, Italo Testa University of Naples Federico II, Italy Challenge and goal Teachers are often frustrated by t...
Sanjiv Prashar, José M. Méndez-Arriaga, Josefa Ortiz-Bustos, Diana Díaz-García, Miguel Díaz-Sánchez, Santiago Gómez-Ruiz, M. Noelia Faginas-Lago University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain, University of...
Justyna Ciejka Faculty of Chemistry, Wroclaw University of Science and technology, Poland Challenge and goal Students enrolling in the university usually are not familiar with ...
Iwona Maciejowska, Anna Majcher-Fitas, Magdalena Niedbał Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland Challenge and goal The academic teachers do not know how to react in cases of student ...
Sanjiv Prashar, Jose M. Méndez-Arriaga, Josefa Ortiz-Bustos, Diana Díaz-García, Miguel Díaz-Sánchez, Santiago Gómez-Ruiz, Noelia M. Faginas-Lago University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain, Unive...
Bartosz Trzewik, Aleksandra Lis, Iwona Maciejowska, Michał Woźniakiewicz, Katarzyna Zięba Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland Challenge Students starting lab...
Vânia Calisto Chemistry Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal Challenge and goal Students are usually much more motivated in courses which address contents specifically re...
Michał Woźniakiewicz, Bartosz Trzewik, Aleksandra Lis, Iwona Maciejowska Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Poland Challenge and goal The relation between a student doing ...
Csilla Kallay Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Debrecen, Hungary Challenge and goal Analytical Chemistry Laboratory practice involves acid-base, redox, argentom...
Dorota Kolodynska Faculty of Chemistry, Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Poland Challenge and goal Using UDL guidelines academic and non-academic staff can integrate flexible option...
Katalin Várnagy Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Debrecen, Hungary Challenge and goal One form of knowledge transfer is the lecture, in which the lecturer impar...
Giacomo Giorgi Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia, Italy Challenge and goal Students are frustrated by the often outdated tools teachers exploit during l...
Anete Stīne Teimane University of Latvia (UoL), Faculty of Chemistry Challenge and goal Courses which are designed to teach practical skills usually produce large amounts of re...
Maren Podewitz Faculty of Technical Chemistry, TU Wien, Austria Challenge and goal Students are perform much better if the research specialization in the BSc project and later on in t...
Anne Conibear Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Technical University of Vienna, Austria Challenge and goal To raise awareness and promote discussion and application of interactive, cons...
Andrea Lombardi Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Perugia, Italy Challenge and goal Challenge The composition of student cohorts c...
Tina Skalar Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Challenge and goal The goal is to enrich the study of chemical engineering and related scie...
Sabina Weronika Jaros Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wrocław, Poland Challenge and goal Our notes are an invaluable source of information we can refer back to at any time. Howev...
Matti Niemelä University of Oulu, Faculty of Technology, Chemistry degree programme Challenge and goal Nowadays interpersonal skills and personal characteristics have more and ...
Natasa Brouwer Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Challenge and goal Traditional lectures have been a common teaching method for centuries and are sti...
Martijn Stegeman 1 , Julia Dawitz 2 , Emma Wiersma 2 , Natasa Brouwer 2 1 Faculty of Science, Informatics Institute, 2 Teaching and Learning Centre Science, University of Amsterdam, The Nether...
Natalija Sitnikova, Krištof Kranjc Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Večna pot 113, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Challenge, goal and topic T...
Rosa Turco, Oreste Tarallo, Vincenzo Russo University of Naples Federico II, Italy Challenge and goal Teachers are often frustrated by the increase of lack in students attention along...
Sanjiv Prashar Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Challenge and goal There is no denying the importance of STEM in achieving the UN Sustainable development goals. To date subjects are...
Črtomir Podlipnik, Krištof Kranjc Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Večna pot 113, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Challenge and goal We have a...
Vincenzo Russo University of Naples Federico II, Italy Challenge and goal It is very common that teachers feel frustrated when correcting a BSc thesis. On the other hands, very often ...
Tina Skalar Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Challenge and goal student activation kindly forced to take an a...
Helena Nogueira University of Aveiro, Portugal Challenge and goal: AI is definitly in use by the students, but not always in the best way. Many issues can be brought on the subject, i...
Shaeen Chetty Science, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Lecturer in Chemistry Challenge and goal The increasing class sizes and occasional power cuts in South...
Goreti Pereira Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal Challenge and goal Laboratory class requires that students read the experimental methodology in advance t...
Martijn Bousse Faculty of Science and Engineering, Maastricht University, The Netherlands Challenge and goal Challenge: Rising student numbers put pressure on lecturers' worklo...
Rob Mestrom Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands Challenge and goal Lectures of bachelor courses nowadays contain ac...
Brit Giesbertz Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Didactical Educator Challenge and goal In higher education, a notable shift towards active learning...
Vera L. M. Silva Chemistry Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal Challenge and goal Laboratory/practical classes play a major role in sciences and engineering courses. In this e...
Viktor Englund Language and Communication, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Challenge and goal When developing the course offering in language and communication with ...
Alicja Kluczyk Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wrocław, Poland Challenge and goal Laboratory reports should be submitted in a timely manner, quickly assessed and returned with com...
Renato Lombardo Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche, Chimiche e Farmaceutiche, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy Challenge and goal The Biological Sciences course ...
Mauro Mocerino Science and Engineering, Curtin University, Australia Challenge and goal Making the intended learning outcomes of the laboratory experiments clear and helping s...
JL Kiappes Department of Chemistry, University College London, United Kingdom Challenge and goal In course design, many instructors focus on subject-specific knowledge and skills (e.g...
Nadine Dharsey ADC:Access, University of Johannesburg Challenge and goal One of the minimum requirements for tutoring at the University of Johannesburg is generic tutor training. Howe...
Linda Rieswijk Faculty of Science and Engineering, Maastricht University, the Netherlands Challenge and goal At the Faculty of Science and Engineering we have teachers involved in a d...
Peter Ruijten-Dodoiu Industrial Engineering and IInnovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Challenge and goal Educators face difficulties ensurin...
Mazyar Seraj Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University Eindhoven, Netherlands Challenge and goal Recently, we introduced challenge-based learning (CB...
Edyta Nalewajko-Sieliwoniuk Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bialystok, Poland Challenge and goal The challenge is to learn by academic teachers how to evaluate progress in ...
Nina Scheres, TLC-Sciece innovation team Faculty of Sciences, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Challenge and goal Challenge: In many courses at the Faculty of Sci...
Jurica Bauer Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands Challenge and goal Maastricht University launched a new and first-of-its-kind...
Francesca De Vita Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Palermo, Italy Challenge and goal The number of undergraduates with atypical development is constantly gro...
Eleonora Spada Department of civil, environmental, aerospace, and materials engineering (DICAM), University of Palermo, Italy Challenge and goal Students often struggle to find motiva...
Malgorzata Duda Department of Endocrinology, Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland Challenge and goal The ...
Izabela Koter Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland Challenge and goal Academic staff without adequate teaching training may have difficulty in correctly defining the...
Thomas Bitterman Faculty of Science and Engineering, Maastricht University, Netherlands How to pick a language for first-year instruction. Topic of the user case...
Kahlile Youssef Abboud Faculty of Science and Engineering, Maastricht University, The Netherlands Challenge and goal Topic of the user case...
Name of author Sana Ullah, Institue of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan Present affili...