Unlike math and the other sciences where the means of expressing and solving problems is settled, in Computer Science the knowledge base and techniques are changing so quickly that new methods of expressing algorithms are created on a regular basis. The is reflected in a pedagogical setting by the need to change the introductory computing language on a regular basis. Every five years or so it is important to review whether the current language continues to be relevant. If not, a new one muct be chosen and courses updated.
How to pick a language for first-year instruction.
The Computer Science (CS) program at Maastricht is new (2 years old)
It joins the Data Science and AI (DSAI) program which has existed for decades
Some of the classes overlap, and students from both programs enroll in some of the same classes, under different identifiers
This is especially true in the first year, when many students initially learn how to program
In terms of Bloom’s hierarchy:
No particular teaching and learning materials will be required
The activity should be repeated every few years to ensure that the adopted language remains appropriate to needs
Initially, it would be a success if the committee could simply agree on a language and have the requisite courses changed to come into alignment
Long-term success would be reached if the process were to be repeated at regular intervals, incorporating experience gained in the interim
This CPD scenario describes a User case in which lecturers develop their competence in facilitating problem solving and develop attitudes in practicing teaching and learning in an evidence informed way.
The approximate duration of a User case that follows this scenario is several months.
In this CPD scenario the participants professionalize in a close connection to their own teaching practice (at their workplace) and meet in person on location with the training staff and with other participants.