Universal Design for Learning in STEM (UDL in STEM)

Posted by Dorota Kolodynska, on Oct. 6, 2022, 8:25 a.m.

Dorota Kolodynska

Faculty of Chemistry, Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Poland

Challenge and goal

Using UDL guidelines academic and non-academic staff can integrate flexible options and supports that ensure that UDL standards-based materials as other university resources and activities (architectural and digital resources, information and communication) are accessible to a wide range of students. I propose CPD activities aimed to help teachers to recognize and implement UDL principles and assumptions.

Topic of the user case

Adapt Universal Design for Learning in STEM teaching and learning/UDL in STEM

Local context (specific)

In 2022 UMCS established strategy for Universal Design for Learning called Strategy for Universal Design at UMCS. The following expression may be considered the keynote motto of the strategy: Accessible university – open mind – accessible world.

Also the Strategy of the University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin in the years 2019–2025 as part of the primary objective II. Maintenance of the level of didactic activity through a constant modification of the programme offer targeted at a wide group of audience in the country and abroad, operational aims were put forward, including:

A. Systematic increase in innovativeness of the learning process and its adjustment to the needs of students through the expansion of the process of individualization in the system of education and implementation of parallel educational paths.

B. Increase of the opportunities of enrolment to the studies and implementation of the educational process with respect to persons with disabilities.

These aims require systematic activities to be undertaken so as to personalize education, including the adjustment of didactic methods and means to special needs of students.

However, only a few people involved are familiar with this document. Due to this, more attention should be paid to the development and assessment of these necessary information connected with UDL, especially within activity of as researchers, teachers and lectures as well as non-academic staff from the Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science and Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management based on the experience and knowledge of the Office for People with Disabilities and Psychological Support of the Centre for Education and Study Services.

UDL in STEM is design for human diversity, social inclusion and equality in STEM teaching and learning. UDL in STEM aims to enable all students to have equal opportunities to participate in every aspect of learning in HE. To achieve this, the university environment, services – administration activities, culture and information (everything) should be accessible, convenient for everyone in university society to use and responsive to evolving human diversity.

Local CPD goals

Increase the awareness of academic staff from Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science and Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management as well as non-academic staff from UMCS in the field of: needs of students with different disabilities, appropriate preparation of students materials/activities/information etc. finding solutions for students with different needs as well as importance of the knowledge connected with UDL and promotion of UDL assumptions for integrity of academic sociality and engagement of students.

Needs defined in STEM-CPD Roadmap

9 give prompt feedback and support students during learning
10 support students in socializing (specifically e.g. during a pandemic)
14 teach large groups of students
15 teach small groups of students (group's dynamics)
3 inspire a positive attitude in their class.
4 make students feel special, included, safe and secure.
5 be interested in their students' progress.
4 attending hands-on workshops on specific continuous professional development (CPD) topics.
5 following online courses / MOOC about teaching and learning.
8 attending a professional development programme to get a teaching certificate in higher education (if it doesn't exist in your country, please indicate in General importance what is your personal opinion about it and choose in Personal practice not applicable).

CPD activities at the local university

All CPD activities will be organized by UMCS teams from STEM Faculties and Office for People with Disabilities and Psychological Support of the Centre for Education and Study Services as well as CPD Ambassador.

CPD activities

  • mMOOC where information about the idea of strategy, useful information connected with all types of barriers (architectural, digital or information and communication obstacle), people with special needs characteristics, disability, alternative access, accessibility, participation, inclusive education, web content accessibility guidelines (standard of the accessibility of the web content), international classification of functioning, disability and health (characterising and measuring health condition and the conditions relating to health) will be provided – 2h
  • workshop with sharing good practices how to take the UDL principles into account when preparing materials for students (lectures, presentations, videos, schemes, www information, workshops, labs descriptions) – 1h
  • assess to Coordinator for Accessibility Affairs by MSTeams
  • promotion of mMOOC among STEM faculties members
  • questionnaire with fellow academic teachers – recognition of additional needs 

Teaching and learning materials

materials collected (Virtual Campus at UMCS, MS Teams)


Sustainable implementation

repeating the course for academic and non-academic staff from the Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science and Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management - every year

sharing the idea  during the Quality of Education Day/twice per academic year


Expected impact of the CPD User Case


Plans for eventual continuation of the CPD within the same topic

updated after the implementation of User Case

Developing confidence in interactive teaching (type P1-2)

This CPD scenario describes a User case in which lecturers develop their competence in teaching in higher education and develop attitudes in supporting student development and enabling students’ well-being in a learning process and inclusivity.
The approximate duration of a User case that follows this scenario is several hours.
In this CPD scenario the participants are using a very short open online course, a micro mooc (μmooc) and professionalize in a close connection to their own teaching practice (at their workplace) and meet in person on location with the training staff and with other participants.

Learning environment
Several hours

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