Docent Arnoud Visser, UvA/FNWI Schaal onderwijs Middel grote groepen studenten. Inhoud Artificiële intelligentie. Beginsituatie en interventie Om de studenten te activeren en ondersteunen wilde ik h...
Name lecturer Marcel Vreeswijk, Jean Sebastièn Caux, Jan de Boer, Auke Piete Colijn, Erik van Heumen Scale Large, medium and small groups. Content Lectures in physics, bachelor programme. Situation...
Motivation for this project There are more and more lecturers at the Faculty of Science who are interested in using knowledge clips in their teaching to activate learning. In large classes lecturers...
Motivation for this project In dit project gaan we: Verschillende experimenten uitvoeren in het FNWI onderwijs waarbij interactieve colleges volledig draadloos met tekentablets worden gegeven e...
How can education technology be used in large groups of students to activate learning process in Blended learning? Which teaching method can stimulate critical thinking in large groups of students a...
Click on the date of the meeting to find more information or See also...
Doelgroep: docenten en anderen die geintereseerd zijn in het gebruik van tekentablets voor het geven van hoor- en werkcollege Locatie: Science Park, Nikhef, Spectrum Datum en tijd: 11 december, ...
Workshop Stemmen tijdens college Vragen stellen en beantwoorden is een cruciaal element in het opbouwen van kennis. Met behulp van voting tools, bijvoorbeeld de stemkastjes kun je bereiken dat alle ...
Doelgroep Opleidingsdirecteuren, docenten en iedereen die activerend leren interessant en belangrijk vindt. Aanmelden - verplicht ivm. consumptie en ruimtetoegang Flipping the Lectures is de eers...
Lecturers at the Faculty of Science often use video in their courses. Many use video as additional teaching material. Some lecturers ""flip their lectures"", letting their students to prepare before...
Target group lecturers who teach in a course that has a pen and paper exam and who consider to design a digital assessment participants of University Teaching Qualification program (BKO) lecturers...
How can education technology be used in large groups of students to activate learning process? Which teaching method can stimulate critical thinking in large groups of students and can help students...
Doelgroep: docenten bij de FNWI die hun college op het bord geven Datum en tijd: 6 juli 12-13 uur op het Science park (zaal komt later) Doel: kennismaken met de mogelijkheden van krijtloos colle...
Deze workshop gaat in op methodes waardoor studenten actief met de stof aan de slag gaan. De vragen die centraal staan zijn: “Welke leeractiviteiten zijn geschikt om denk- en leerprocessen te bevord...
Studio course is an interactive teaching method used in higher science education. In this education model different teaching methods: lectures, tutorials and practical sessions are integrated. ...
Although questioning is usually associated with assessment it can also be very effective at stimulating learning, and is probably the simplest and most flexible approach to increasing student input ...
About Traditional lectures consist predominantly of the transmission of information to a generally passive student audience. This is achieved predominantly using verbal forms of communication supp...
Although questioning is usually associated with assessment it can also be very effective at stimulating learning, and is probably the simplest and most flexible approach to increasing student input ...
Peer instruction is an activating teaching method. This method can be used to detect understanding of students during learning process and correct misconceptions. This method is based on the older "...
University of Amsterdam
Brit Giesbertz Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Didactical Educator Challenge and goal In higher education, a notable shift towards active learning...
Helena Nogueira University of Aveiro, Portugal Challenge and goal: AI is definitly in use by the students, but not always in the best way. Many issues can be brought on the subject, i...
Tina Skalar Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Challenge and goal student activation kindly forced to take an a...
Rosa Turco, Oreste Tarallo, Vincenzo Russo University of Naples Federico II, Italy Challenge and goal Teachers are often frustrated by the increase of lack in students attention along...
Anne Conibear Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Technical University of Vienna, Austria Challenge and goal To raise awareness and promote discussion and application of interactive, cons...
Giacomo Giorgi Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia, Italy Challenge and goal Students are frustrated by the often outdated tools teachers exploit during l...
Dorota Kolodynska Faculty of Chemistry, Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Poland Challenge and goal Using UDL guidelines academic and non-academic staff can integrate flexible option...