Traditional weblectures are used by students after the lecture was given in the classroom. They are a valuable addition to the teaching materials of one course but they don't challenge students for active learning without offering them to the students in a pedagogical relevant way. Traditional (web)lectures are in general too long to be used actively for learning as a whole. Knowledge clips are a better alternative for active learning. Knowledge clips are meant to be used to prepare for the lectures and construct knowledge before the class and also to prepare for examinations. In a knowledge clip the focus is set on the explanation of a single concept.
At the Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam lectures are systematically recorded in most of the programmes with large groups of students. The students are very satisfied with the fact that the lectures are recorded. Some of the lecturers are not so enthusiastic about weblectures because they find that due to the weblectures their students miss the lectures in the classroom.
There is not much done on knowledge clips at the Faculty of Science yet. This project would like to make a difference and stimulate lecturers to make knowledge clips for their classes and use them in teaching to activate students for learning. The specific reasons and connections with other activities at the faculty are:
- "Independent learning - distance learning" (“Zelfstandig leren – afstand onderwijs”) is one of the three pillars of the teaching innovation using ICT term plan 2014-2016 at the Faculty of Science.
- Active learning using ICT is a part of the University Teaching Certificate programme (in Dutch BKO). Flipped classroom is one of the theme's.
- Flipped classroom using weblectures in pedagogically relevant way is applied at this moment by one course in the Psychobiology programme and results are very promising.
10 lecturers work each on their own "grassroots project" and make each about 3-5 knowledge clips and redesign their course to enrich their courses using knowledge clips. The lecturers get support by the teaching assistants. Knowledge and experiences are exchanged within the Grassroots programme. Manuals and instructions, tips and tricks will be produced in order to be shared during and after the project by lecturers who wish to use knowledge clips in their teaching.
Project leader: Natasa Brouwer
Funding: University of Amsterdam, Grassroots programme
Project period: September 2013 - April 2014 (the project was prolonged until December 2014)
Finished project
Budget: 10.000 euro
Report (Evaluatie Grassrootsproject 2012-2013: KENNISCLIPS VOOR ACTIVEREND ONDERWIJS (FNWI)): Report
Project plan: Grassrootprogramma-2013_FNWI_30-08-2013.pdf
Original author: Natasa Brouwer