Starfish design and development

Posted by Natasa Brouwer, on Oct. 5, 2021, 3:04 p.m.


Starfish idea and design: Natasa Brouwer and Sander Latour

Technology: Starfish is build in Python, using web framework Django.
Software development Starfish-beta:
2012-2013 Sander Latour, Chiel Kooijman, and Auke Wiggers
Re-shape and further developemt:
2021-2022 Miguel Pieters|
2022-2023 Max Marshal and Steven Lageveen

Starfish design is based on the TPACK model
Searching in Starfish leads to a structured information about technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge on the query connecting it to one or more available course designs associated to the query (Good practice) and to the person (Person) who has developed and applied one teaching design in practice or to the people who worked on an education innovation project (Projects) dealing with the query. It also leads to a list of events (Events) such as educational meetings with guest speakers or professional development workshops connected to the query.

Starfish is open source and open content.
Starfish Beta was developed in a project STEEP (Supporting Technology Enhanced Education Projects), funded by University of Amsterdam, ICTO fonds 2012-2013.

Between 2012 and 2021 Starfish (  was used by Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam as a knowledge sharing platform and in professional development of university lecturers, by ECTN (European Chemistry Thematic Network) in their different education innovation projects, and as small scale experiemental platform by UvA AMC, WUR Wageningen, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Vrije University Amsterdam, and Twente University.

Starfish was further developed by EU Erasmus+ project STEM-CPD@EUni (2020-2023). The funtionnalities were improved and extended with more publication templates and features that support collaboration (

Disclaimer: The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Invitation to join Starfish

We wish to extend the possibility to use Starfish and make it possible to share common relevant information within the faculties and HE institutions in The Netherlands and abroad.

Are you interested to join Starfish or to collaborate on development of Starfish? Please contact Natasa Brouwer (


Original author text: Natasa Brouwer

Creative Commons Licence Logo Creative Commons 3.0 BY SA applies to all content on Starfish.
Starfish-education support for the publishing on does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors and Starfish-education cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Starfish-education cannot be held responsible for the content published by authors that is not conform with Creative Commons 3.0 BY SA.

See also