Local context (specific)
At the University of Naples Federico II students who enroll at the BSc courses in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry normally come from different schools. First year lecturers usually experience lack of knowledge in specific topics.
The aim of this user case is to make the freshmen aware of their pre-knowledge gaps.
Local educational scope
BSc in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry.
Pre-knowledge / Background of the participating local teaching staff
No specific pedagogical courses are required for the university teachers in Naples. Recently a new project aimed at improving young researchers' knowledge of pedagogical strategies was launched, the FEDERICO Project, focused on general pedagogy, thus non STEM oriented.
Local CPD goals
Increase the awareness of freshmen of their pre-knowledge gaps.
As a final output of this activity, a questionnaire will be formulated with the aim of:
1. Students’ self-evaluation
2. Feedback to lecturer
3. Feedback to student
Needs defined in STEM-CPD Roadmap
22 use research based teaching methods
11 stimulate discussion
27 organize peer-assessment / peer-feedback in their courses
4 make students feel special, included, safe and secure.
6 use students evaluations and the feedback of students to improve courses.
18 giving workshops to other lecturers.
CPD activities at the local university
1. Questionnaires
2. Feedback to the students
Teaching and learning materials
o Online forms to be submitted to 1st year BSc students.
o Student-tailored suggestions to fill the specific pre-knowledge pointed out in the evaluation questionnaire.
Sustainable implementation
The activity should be repeated every year to ensure a strict connection between the class and the first year lectures content.
Expected impact of the CPD User Case
o Make the students aware of their pre-knowledge gaps.
o A revision of the tutoring activities of the first-year courses.
o Introduction of short tutoring sessions on specific topics of STEM disciplines.
Plans for eventual continuation of the CPD within the same topic