Making technical issues interesting for bachelor's degree students in a CBL course

Posted by Mazyar Seraj, on Oct. 8, 2024, 3:01 p.m.

Mazyar Seraj

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University Eindhoven, Netherlands


Challenge and goal

The issue: Students in a technical university and a technical domain like computer science come to such a course with the expectation/assumption that there is a technical challenge that they need to solve, while they miss the first part, which is learning about the domain and the context.

Goal: Setting up the main technical challenge in a way to helps/forces students to see the value of knowing the context and learning about the domain before solving the technical issue.


Topic of the user case

Making technical issues interesting for bachelor's degree students in a CBL course

Local context (specific)

Recently, we introduced challenge-based learning (CBL) at TU/e, in which teachers provide a domain-specific challenge and set the boundaries for a course. Then, students are the ones who pick a problem in a group in that domain within those boundaries to solve during the course. 

In ordinary courses, students are helped step-by-step by the teacher via lectures. However, in CBL, there is no lecture regarding the theory and technical parts - there can be short videos explaining different concepts/topics. Furthermore, there are moments when students can and should deliver an assignment related to their challenge and receive feedback from the teaching group

As a result, students need to act proactively to define the challenge in a group, work together, learn about the domain and the context, and then solve the technical problem.

Local CPD goals

If the setup works, then we can go back to the other colleagues within the department and show the advantages of this approach. Thus, they can use CBL components in their courses.

Needs defined in STEM-CPD Roadmap

1 frame the course in the context of the study programme
22 use research based teaching methods
23 use project based teaching methods
6 use students evaluations and the feedback of students to improve courses.

CPD activities at the local university

The CPD activities should focus on enabling faculty members to adapt to the CBL approach effectively, ensuring that they are equipped to guide students through the process of defining and solving domain-specific challenges without traditional lecture-based methods.

  1. Workshops on CBL Methodology
    Faculty members need an in-depth understanding of CBL to implement it effectively. Workshops should include:
    • Introduction to CBL: Key concepts, framework, and practical steps for integrating challenges into the curriculum.
    • Guiding Without Lecturing: Training on facilitating student learning without traditional lectures and emphasizing peer-to-peer feedback.
    • Assessment Strategies: Developing new ways of assessing students based on their engagement, problem-solving, collaboration, and proactive learning.
  2. Peer-Learning Sessions
    Regular meetings where faculty members share their experiences, challenges, and solutions in adopting CBL. These peer sessions could include:
    • Case studies of successfully implemented CBL courses.
    • Cross-discipline sharing on how CBL is applied in other technical fields.
    • Discussion on how to balance domain knowledge with technical problem-solving.
  3. Hands-on Experience and Pilot Testing
    Faculty members could experience CBL from a student’s perspective by participating in a mini-CBL challenge. This could involve forming groups, defining a challenge, and collaboratively working on a solution to a problem within their own domain.
  4. Feedback and Reflection Sessions
    After a semester or quarter, conduct reflection and feedback sessions to understand what worked and what needs improvement. Collect data on student performance, engagement, and learning outcomes for evaluation.


Teaching and learning materials

To support the CBL approach, the following materials can be developed:

  1. Contextual Learning Materials
    • Short Videos: Explaining essential technical concepts and the broader context of the domain (e.g., videos introducing foundational computer science concepts in relation to real-world applications).
    • Domain Case Studies: Specific examples from the industry or research that illustrate how domain knowledge informs technical problem-solving.
  2. Guided Problem-Framing Templates
    Since students must frame their own challenges, provide templates to help them:
    • Identify the core problem.
    • Explore the context and implications of the domain.
    • Outline what technical and non-technical knowledge they need to learn first.
  3. Reflection and Feedback Tools
    • Reflection sheets for students to self-assess their understanding of the domain context before diving into the technical problem.
    • Peer-feedback guides for assessing group work and problem-solving approaches.
  4. Facilitation and Guidance Documents for Teachers
    • Best practices for facilitating CBL projects, including a guide on when and how to intervene.
    • Rubrics for evaluating student challenges and the process of solving them, rather than only the final technical solution.


Sustainable implementation

For sustainable implementation, you’ll need to embed CBL into the university culture and provide ongoing support for teachers. This could include:

  1. Long-term Faculty Support
    • Develop a CBL community of practice at TU/e where faculty can share resources, success stories, and challenges over time.
    • Create a mentorship program where experienced CBL facilitators guide new faculty members.
  2. Institutionalizing CBL
    • Ensure that CBL becomes part of the core curriculum structure, not just an experimental method. This could be achieved by revising course designs to align with CBL principles.
    • Advocate for policies that recognize and reward faculty for implementing innovative teaching methods like CBL.
  3. Student-Centric Tools
    Provide tools (e.g., learning management system modules) that students can use to manage their CBL challenges. This could include collaboration platforms, feedback loops, and resources for self-directed learning.
  4. Continuous Review and Adaptation
    Implement a system for continuously reviewing the effectiveness of CBL courses through student feedback, faculty input, and learning outcome data. Adjust course content and teaching methods based on this feedback.

Expected impact of the CPD User Case

  1. Improved Student Engagement and Autonomy
    Students will engage more deeply with the material because they see the relevance of domain context before tackling technical problems. Their increased ownership of the learning process will likely improve motivation and initiative.
  2. Better Integration of Theory and Practice
    By forcing students to understand the domain before addressing technical issues, the CPD initiative is likely to foster better integration of theoretical knowledge and practical application.
  3. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills
    Students will develop better problem-framing and problem-solving skills, which are essential in technical fields like computer science.
  4. Department-Wide Adoption of CBL
    If successful, other faculty members will see the advantages of CBL, leading to wider adoption across the department and possibly other technical faculties.


Plans for eventual continuation of the CPD within the same topic

  1. Scalability to Other Courses and Disciplines
    Once proven successful, the CPD initiative could be expanded to other courses within the computer science department and later to other disciplines within TU/e. This would require collaboration across departments to tailor CBL to specific domains.
  2. Ongoing Professional Development
    • Offer advanced CPD workshops that delve into specific aspects of CBL, such as fostering student creativity, handling group dynamics, and addressing common pitfalls.
    • Encourage faculty to attend international CBL conferences or host symposia at TU/e to keep the momentum of CBL growing.
  3. CBL Champions
    Appoint “CBL Champions” within each department who are responsible for continuously developing and improving CBL courses. These champions would also mentor other faculty members and share innovations.
  4. Integration into Faculty Performance Metrics
    Reward faculty members who successfully implement and improve CBL through performance reviews, promotions, or teaching excellence awards. 

Developing confidence in sound course design, and learning facilitation (type P1-1, P1-3)

This CPD scenario describes a User case in which lecturers develop their competence in sound course design and facilitating problem solving and develop attitudes in practicing teaching and learning in an evidence informed way.
The approximate duration of a User case that follows this scenario is several months.
In this CPD scenario the participants professionalize in a close connection to their own teaching practice (at their workplace).

Learning environment
Several months

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See also