Student portfolio

Posted by Natasa Brouwer, on Oct. 5, 2021, 3:04 p.m.


A student portfolio is collected as an archive to assess all the work done by students and to keep a constant record. In general it represents a student work collection that exhibits student’s activities and shows his progress over a learning period. 

  • When students can monitor their progress over a period of time, it greatly stimulates their further learning work.   
  • The best way to exhibit students’ achievements is their portfolio.
  • A portfolio enables a student to be valued and rewarded by a teacher for some study or research work that a traditional test can’t, and  this work can be reviewed at a scientific student conference

Student portfolio includes:

  • data on all control forms and marks to show students’ skill upgrading over time,
  • assignments determined by a teacher, 
  • assignments selected by a student on his own initiative.


The student portfolio structure Organic Chemistry


Tasks for self-directed studies (SDS) and reports (group and individual projects prepared in the form of presentations, crosswords, glossary, essay):

  • Tasks for problem solving (creative problems for knowledge mastering; results of the learning role game performance to solve some problem situations and to choose the optimal method of organic compounds synthesis)
  • Creative works fulfilled on student’s initiative (for example, reports on virtual laboratory works and research laboratory works)
  • Short quiz performed at lecture classes for the unit learning reinforcement 
  • Research reports on Faculty and University Student Conferences 
  • Articles in the Collected papers of  Students’ Scientific Practical Conferences 
  • Awards (Diploma, certificate)

Original author: Galina Seitmagzimova, Affiliation: M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Republic of Kazakhstan

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