Motivation for this project Laboratory classes are an essential component of chemistry curricula. However, the effectiveness of laboratory classes is often not achieved to t...
Analogies provide lecturers with a tool that uses examples from real life and everyday experiences to help students understand scientific concepts and phenomena that are often, neither observable, n...
In this method, students, working in groups undertake a task involving a series of activities. The outcomes for the various activities are interrelated and the group must determine their interdepend...
It is well known that the traditional didactic lecture places students in a very passive role. Often they were only required to listen to what the lecturer was saying and copy down anything that was...
The limitations of the traditional unseen examination as an assessment method are now well appreciated. In particular such assessments often fail to validate several important learning outcomes. Ora...
The main part of self-directed studies is a group research project defended in the form of PowerPoint presentation. Main goals of the research project are: to deepen students’ knowle...
A student portfolio is collected as an archive to assess all the work done by students and to keep a constant record. In general it represents a student work collection that exhibits student’s activ...
The time-honoured arrangement for laboratory work in both school and higher education is based on a “cook-book” approach, with students slavishly following a written set of instructions. However thi...
It is likely to be useful and possibly essential for any person working in the areas of science or engineering to be able to discuss their field, and any associated controversies, so that they can b...
Role play can be seen as an interactive and experiential learning approach, which involves elements of, play, a game and simulation. In terms of chemistry teaching in higher education, role play can...
Each Workbook contains summary of theoretical information and exercises designated to help students to develop their skills in organic chemistry learning. Thus, the student self-directed s...
Lecturing dates back to mediaeval times and the founding of Europe’s earliest universities. Initially, lectures amounted to little more than a ‘lecturer’ standing at the front and reading a book to...
The Eurolecturer award recognises those whose teaching of chemistry or chemical engineering at the tertiary level incorporates appropriate discipline specific pedagogy within a European dimen...
The term e-learning covers a wide range of approaches and can be considered to include any learning process that involves the use of ITC technologies. In the simplest case, it may involve little mor...
OIEAR methodology Effective teaching is a balanced system in which all components support each other (Biggs, 2003). It can be compared to an eco system where the components are also aligned to ...
Database of Learning objects developed for University chemistry teaching. Original author: Starfish
EChemTest is a chemistry test item databank funded by the European Commission and developed by the ECTN Association. Chemistry tests in three different levels can be used for the testing and benchm...
European Chemistry Thematic Network Homepage ECTN ECTN is a network of over 150 institutions, mainly university chemistry departments but also some National Chemistry Societies, from all Membe...
Studio course is an interactive teaching method used in higher science education. In this education model different teaching methods: lectures, tutorials and practical sessions are integrated. ...
Although questioning is usually associated with assessment it can also be very effective at stimulating learning, and is probably the simplest and most flexible approach to increasing student input ...
Traditional ‘chalk and talk’ lectures can undoubtedly provide an efficient mechanism for transferring important information to students. However, thinking time and effort are required to interpret a...
Diversity in teaching moves beyond the principle of equal opportunity which ensures that no student should be disadvantaged by curriculum content or teaching and assessment methods. It capitalises o...
Summative assessment remains an essential integral part of all formal education. Unfortunately many students over estimate their learning and understanding of material being taught and become aware ...
Past examination papers are often referred to as ‘the hidden curriculum’ because, regardless of what is being taught, students see the content of these papers as defining what they need to know to ...
In this method, students, working in groups undertake a task involving a series of activities. The outcomes for the various activities are interrelated and the group must determine their interdepend...
It is well known that the traditional didactic lecture places students in a very passive role. Often they were only required to listen to what the lecturer was saying and copy down anything that was...
The limitations of the traditional unseen examination as an assessment method are now well appreciated. In particular such assessments often fail to validate several important learning outcomes. Ora...
Virtual Laboratory Work - Caustification of Soda Solution Virtual laboratory work features Laboratory works on Chemical Engineering require work fulfillment for a long period...
Each Workbook contains summary of theoretical information and exercises designated to help students to develop their skills in organic chemistry learning. Thus, the student self-directed stu...
The main part of self-directed studies is a group research project defended in the form of PowerPoint presentation. Main goals of the research project are: to deepen students’ knowle...
A student portfolio is collected as an archive to assess all the work done by students and to keep a constant record. In general it represents a student work collection that exhibits student’s activ...
The time-honoured arrangement for laboratory work in both school and higher education is based on a “cook-book” approach, with students slavishly following a written set of instructions. However thi...
It is likely to be useful and possibly essential for any person working in the areas of science or engineering to be able to discuss their field, and any associated controversies, so that they can b...
Role play can be seen as an interactive and experiential learning approach, which involves elements of, play, a game and simulation. In terms of chemistry teaching in higher education, role play can...
Although practical work continues to be considered an essential part of any science or engineering degree opportunities for experimentation, in many courses, have decreased in recent years, due to e...
Lecturing dates back to mediaeval times and the founding of Europe’s earliest universities. Initially, lectures amounted to little more than a ‘lecturer’ standing at the front and reading a book to...
The term e-learning covers a wide range of approaches and can be considered to include any learning process that involves the use of ITC technologies. In the simplest case, it may involve little mor...
Think-Pair-Share is a co-operative teaching strategy. After the lecturer has asked a question, this strategy includes three components: time for thinking, time for sharing with...
Although questioning is usually associated with assessment it can also be very effective at stimulating learning, and is probably the simplest and most flexible approach to increasing student input ...
Traditional ‘chalk and talk’ lectures can undoubtedly provide an efficient mechanism for transferring important information to students. However, thinking time and effort are required to interpret a...
If, as is often claimed, a picture is worth a thousand words, how many words might an attention grabbing mid-lecture demonstration be worth? Certainly lecture demonstrations are popular both with st...
Workplace Learning can have a variety of meanings and often means different things to different people. Put simply it means learning which takes place in an employment context rather than a college...
We invested the past years in research & applications of strength based coaching methods. Seeing students as individuals with unique possibilities & strengths, helps us to coach them towards confide...
Peer instruction is an activating teaching method. This method can be used to detect understanding of students during learning process and correct misconceptions. This method is based on the older "...
An online classroom is essentially a virtual classroom which enables the delivery of synchronous events online. They are used to enable students studying at a distance (using a laptop or tablet, or ...
Short research projects for the bachelor and master students in chemistry at the University of Liège (Belgium). 1. 3rd year bachelor students (coordinator: Dr. N. Willet) Aim of the activity:...
PeerWise is a free software application developed by a computer science lecturer from the University of Auckland. It allows learners to write their own multiple choice questions (with answers and ex...
The practice of inquiry requires the inquirer to pose questions, search for answers, probe counterintuitive phenomena and act inquisitively; in scientific inquiry, the student is involved in thinkin...
All chemistry teachers at second or third level use tests in their teaching. There are two broad uses for tests: Formative – assessment for learning (feedback on student learning) (see http:/...
Peer-assessment is an approach to formative assessment which can be described generally as a process whereby students evaluate, or are evaluated by, their peers. Peer-assessment can be employed unde...
Oral examinations also referred to as viva voce, have been used by universities to evaluate students’ learning for centuries. The exam takes the form of a ‘conversation between master and pupil’. Ho...
The ECTN Working group Lecturing Qualifications and Innovative Teaching Methods is established in the ECTN network to: improve teaching practice in chemistry laboratory classes in higher educa...
Many students now have mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and smart phones and, in some higher education institutions (HEIs), the facility to borrow tablets from the library has been introduced...
Analogies provide lecturers with a tool that uses examples from real life and everyday experiences to help students understand scientific concepts and phenomena that are often, neither observable, n...
The EC2E2N working group 'Towards Excellence in School and University Teaching' is building a collection (database) of teaching methods and pedagogical issues relevant for university chemistry teach...
Expertise in Teaching Chemistry in Higher Education database is started by the EC2E2N European project (funded by the European Commission) of the ECTN (European Chemistry Thema...
This is a term used, predominantly in the UK, to describe an undergraduate degree course where a student spends a period of their degree working in industry, commerce or for a governmental body as p...
The context-based approach focuses on the application of science as a means of enhancing scientific understanding of students’ real-worlds while developing students’ capacities to function as resp...
Posters can be used to address a variety of learning and teaching objectives including the development of motivation, content knowledge and generic and professional skills. A poster is a formal and...
This is the process by which teaching and assessment is judged to be fit for purpose and of a satisfactory standard comparable to other institutions. Institutions normally have well defined quality ...
Work-based learning (often abbreviated to WBL) is a term used to describe a relationship between learning and work. Work-Based Learning can be interpreted in many ways and thus exactly what it means...
About Traditional lectures consist predominantly of the transmission of information to a generally passive student audience. This is achieved predominantly using verbal forms of communication supp...
In this chapter, examples of innovative approaches that use educational technology to support active learning in chemistry lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions are considered. The scope of th...
Easy readable, comparable and compatible higher education degrees As a part of the work in the EU project "Tuning Educational Structures in Europe" (Bologna process) the European Chemistry Themat...
Chemistry is a practical disciple with roots in the experiments of mediaeval alchemists rather than the philosophy of the ancient Greeks. It is therefore not surprising that laboratory work has cont...
Although the benefits of active learning in higher education are now widely accepted, many students, having been spoon-fed throughout their secondary education, seem reluctant to adapt to the change...
Community-based learning (also referred to as ‘service learning’ and ‘community-engaged learning’) is a form of experiential education with a civic underpinning. In practice, what this means is that...
University of Amsterdam