Auditory remediation (work package 3)

Posted by @natasabrouwer on April 16, 2022, 2:19 p.m. Contact: @natasabrouwer


The goal of Auditory Remediation is to optimize the possibility of inclusion in oral society for children with hearing impairment by means of intervention and training. Traditionally, hearing training focusses on auditory cues (eg discrimination of speech sounds). In order to enhance full communicative inclusion sophisticated auditory rehabilitation tools are required, which train both peripheral and higher order skills.

The objectives of this workpackage are:

  1. to develop and evaluate novel tools which include different skills and which support speech perception as well as promote a faster cognitive and linguistic development;
  2. to tailor the training system to the specific needs of the child with hearing impairment;
  3. to understand the effect of adaptive speech processing algorithms in hearing aids on maturation of the auditory system and the child’s development.
Original author: Gaëlle Le Bot
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