Communication accessibility (work package 1)

Posted by @natasabrouwer on April 16, 2022, 2:19 p.m. Contact: @natasabrouwer


The aim of Communication Accessibility is to enhance the oral language skills of children with hearing impairment by first understanding, and second addressing, the various communication factors (external and internal) that might contribute to performance variability in this group, across a number of different levels of analysis (behavioral, cognitive, biological, environmental).

This workpackage will provide insight into factors that affect communication and will enable using that knowledge for the development of intervention tools and strategies. It aims to address this from different perspectives, from auditory processing (see also Improved Acoustics), through speech processing (including cross-linguistic studies), semantics, pragmatics, and cognitive processing (working memory, executive function; see Auditory remediation).

Original author: Gaëlle Le Bot
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