Alicja Kluczyk Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wrocław, Poland Challenge and goal Laboratory reports should be submitted in a timely manner, quickly assessed and returned with com...
Goreti Pereira Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal Challenge and goal Laboratory class requires that students read the experimental methodology in advance t...
Sabina Weronika Jaros Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wrocław, Poland Challenge and goal Our notes are an invaluable source of information we can refer back to at any time. Howev...
Bartosz Trzewik, Aleksandra Lis, Iwona Maciejowska, Michał Woźniakiewicz, Katarzyna Zięba Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland Challenge Students starting lab...
Martino Di Serio, Alessio Petrone, Vincenzo Russo, Oreste Tarallo, Italo Testa University of Naples Federico II, Italy Challenge and goal Teachers are often frustrated by t...
Iwona Maciejowska, Michał Woźniakiewicz, Bartosz Trzewik, Katarzyna Zięba, Aleksandra Lis Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland Challenge and goal The investigation and discussion on ...