Writing a BSc thesis

Posted by Vincenzo Russo, on March 30, 2023, 9:11 p.m.

Vincenzo Russo

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Challenge and goal

It is very common that teachers feel frustrated when correcting a BSc thesis. On the other hands, very often students feel alone in the darkness in front of the white screen on the laptop as few instructions about how to write a good BSc thesis are provided: in practice, it is the first time when they face with such problems.
The consequence is a ping-pong process where students and docents try to reach a good quality of the thesis by successive iterations, losing both motivation.

Topic of the user case

Poor BSc thesis quality
lack of ILOs

Local context (specific)

At the University of Naples Federico II students who enroll at the BSc courses in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry provide poor BSc thesis. This can be due to lack of clear definition of the intended outcomes for this activity. On the other hand, also a student low attitude to the critical thinking.
The aim of this user case is to improve the quality of the BSc thesis, teaching the docents how to use rubrics in helping students to write a good BSc thesis. The teachers’ feedbacks will be collected by periodical surveys.

Local educational scope
BSc in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry.

Pre-knowledge / Background of the participating local teaching staff
No specific pedagogical courses are required for the university teachers in Naples.

Local CPD goals

Increase the quality of the laboratory reports with the aim of:

  1. Developing of the critical thinking
  2. Developing of the scientific attitude
  3. Writing BSc thesis in a form of scientific report for future research activities


Needs defined in STEM-CPD Roadmap

2 define intended learning outcomes in every course they teach
22 use research based teaching methods
11 stimulate discussion
27 organize peer-assessment / peer-feedback in their courses
15 attend training for lecturers at the university.
6 use students evaluations and the feedback of students to improve courses.
18 giving workshops to other lecturers.

CPD activities at the local university

  1. Explaining of the importance of the rubric as an assessment and formative tool
  2. Development of a rubric
  3. Formative assessment of the students

Activity sequence

At the beginning of each academic year, the teachers will be involved in a hands on course, aimed at the development of an effective rubric to write a BSc thesis.
The teachers will submit the rubric to students and after the course they will be asked to fill an online form to assess the effectiveness of the CPD process.

Teaching and learning materials

Example of rubric to be submitted to teachers
Periodical survey of the rubric impact on the students, by online form

Sustainable implementation

The activity should be repeated every year for the new teachers

Expected impact of the CPD User Case

  • Increasing the students/teachers motivation.
  • Teachers will be aware of the importance of the employment of clear ILOs.

Plans for eventual continuation of the CPD within the same topic


Developing confidence in sound course design, and learning facilitation (type P1-1, P1-3)

This CPD scenario describes a User case in which lecturers develop their competence in sound course design and facilitating problem solving and how to facilitate student’s deep learning and development of higher cognitive skills and organizing peer-feedback and collaborative learning and develop attitudes in how to stay motivated and self-regulate their continuous professional development and practicing teaching and learning in an evidence informed way.
In this CPD scenario the participants meet in person on location with the training staff and with other participants.

Learning environment

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