Good Practices

Interactief college voor grote groepen met stemsysteem en webcolleges (onderwijs herontwerp)

Docent Erwin van Vliet , UvA/FNWI Schaal onderwijs Grote groepen studenten Voorbeeld - videoclip Flipped class college. Deze video laat zien hoe flipped class methode in de collegezaal in zijn werk ...

Interactive teaching for large groups

Name lecturer Erwin van Vliet Scale large group of students (> 200 students) Content Pathophysiology and Neuropharmacology, Bachelor Pschobiology Situation before the intervention Conceptual under...

Quantum Computing: Flipped Classroom and Peer Teaching

Name lecturer Kareljan Schoutens Scale small to medium group of students Content Quantumphysics 1; honours (BSc Physics and Astronomy) Situation before the intervention...

Green Chemistry: Flipping the Classroom

Name lecturer Chris Slootweg Scale large group of students Content Chemistry, Green Chemistry, a course in the Master programme. Intervention Flipped-class pedagogy in combination with team-based...

How to flip the study trip?

Name lecturer dr. Ivo Blom, VU University Amsterdam Scale small group of students  Content  Study trip organized in cooperation with the Royal Institute for Rome, ""History on Film in the city of R...

Report of Fully Flipped Classroom Experience in Master of Logic

Name lecturer Christian Schaffner, TA: Malvin Gattinger Scale 7 students Content Introduction to Modern Cryptography Situation before the intervention In previous years, I had taught the course in...